Assignment 4: Abridged version of Assignments 2 and 3

As an alternative to doing Assignments 2 and 3, you can do an abridged version of those assignments that will still implement enough of the functionality required to move on to Assignment 5.

In this assignment, you should follow the instructions provided in Assignments 2 and 3, with the following modifications:

  • Do not implement the MOTD command.

  • You do not need to pass the “Robustness” tests, and they will not contribute to your score.

  • Do not implement the TOPIC command. You also do not need to support the RPL_TOPIC reply in other commands.

  • You will implement a greatly simplified version of “User and channel modes”. More specifically:

    • You only need to support the user operator mode and the channel operator mode. This means you do not need to implement a general-purpose mechanism for keeping track of modes in users, channels, and in channel memberships. You are allowed to have some sort of is_irc_operator flag to keep track of whether a user is an IRC operator or not, and you are allowed to associate some sort of “list of users who are operators in this channel” to keep track of who the channel operators are.

    • The only form of the MODE command you have to support is the following:

      MODE <channel> <mode> <nick>

      Where <mode> can only be -o and +o. You must support replies ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL, ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED, ERR_UNKNOWNMODE, and ERR_USERNOTINCHANNEL

    • You must support the OPER command. Once a user becomes an IRC Operator, you can assume they cannot lose that status (that means you do not need to support the command MODE <nick> -o)

    • You do not need to implement the AWAY command.

  • Do not implement the NAMES command. Note that you still need to send the RPL_NAMREPLY replies after a JOIN, but you can implement that directly in your implementation of JOIN.

  • Do not implement the WHO command.