Installing, Building, and Running chirc

The source code for chirc can be found in the following GitHub repository:

To work on the assignments, all you need to do is clone this repository. However, please note that your instructor may give you more specific instructions on how to get the chirc code.

Software Requirements

chirc has the following software requirements:

  • CMake (version 3.5.1 or higher)

  • Python 3.4 or above

  • py.test, including plugins pytest-html and pytest-json. All of these can be installed using pip (pip3 install pytest pytest-html pytest-json)


The first time you download the chirc code to your machine, you must run the following from the root of the chirc code tree:

cmake -B build/

This will create a build directory containing several files necessary to build and test chirc.

Once you have done this, simply run make inside the build directory to build chirc:

cd build/

This will generate the chirc executable.

You should follow these conventions when modifying the provided code:

  • You are allowed to modify the files inside src/, as well as the CMakeLists.txt file. Do not modify any other files.

  • If you add .c files to the src/ directory, you must also add that file to the list of files specified in the add_executable command in the CMakeLists.txt file. Otherwise, the file will not be compiled and linked.

  • If you want to use third-party libraries, add them inside the lib/ directory (do not add them in the src/ directory!). If the third-party library has header files you need to #include in your code, do not copy the header files into the src/ directory. Instead, add the library’s directory to the list of directories in the include_directories command in the CMakeLists.txt file. This way, you will be able to #include header files in those directories.

By default, make will only print the names of the files it is building. To enable a more verbose output (including the exact commands that make is running during the build process), just run make like this:

make VERBOSE=1


The chirc executable accepts the following parameters:

  • -p: The port on which the server will listen.

  • -o: To specify the “operator password”.

  • -q, -v, or -vv: To control the level of logging. See “Logging” section below.

You need to run the executable with at least the -o option, although this option will not be relevant until the third assignment. For example:

./chirc -o foobar

The provided code, however, doesn’t do anything other that process the command-line parameters. You should nonetheless verify that it builds and runs correctly.

Note: your code must respect the values specified in the command-line parameters. More importantly, if you do not use the port specified in the -p parameter, your code will fail all the automated tests.


The chirc server prints out messages to standard output using a simple logging function called chilog(), declared in src/log.h. If you need to print messages to standard output, you must use the chilog() function. This is a simple function that expects the same parameters as printf, plus an additional parameter to specify a logging level. For example:

chilog(INFO, "User with nick %s has connected", nick);

Do not use printf() directly in your code. Use only chilog() to print messages to standard output.

The first parameter to chilog() is used to specify the log level:

  • CRITICAL: Used for critical errors for which the only solution is to exit the program.

  • ERROR: Used for non-critical errors, which may allow the program to continue running, but a specific part of it to fail (e.g., an individual socket).

  • WARNING: Used to indicate unexpected situation which, while not technically an error, could cause one.

  • INFO: Used to print general information about the state of the program.

  • DEBUG: Used to print detailed information about the state of the program.

  • TRACE: Used to print low-level information, such as function entry/exit points, dumps of entire data structures, etc.

The level of logging is controlled by the q and -v argument when running chirc:

  • No -q or -v argument: Print only CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING and INFO messages.

  • -v: Also print DEBUG messages.

  • -vv: Also print TRACE messages.

  • -q: Quiet mode. No logging messages will be printed at all.

Using chilog() instead of printf() will make it easy for you to control the level of verbosity in your logging without having to add and/or comment out printf() statements.