-module(tester). -export([dir/0, dir/2]). -define(EXT, ".erl"). % file extension to look for -define(MODS, "./"). -define(TESTS, "./tests/"). %% scans both a module directory and a test directory, compiles the %% modules inside and then call for tests to be ran. %% %% usage: %% tester:dir("./","./tests/"). dir() -> dir(?MODS, ?TESTS). dir(ModulePath, TestPath) -> ModuleList = module_list(ModulePath), TestList = module_list(TestPath), [compile(ModulePath++X) || X <- ModuleList], [compile(TestPath++X) || X <- TestList], test_all(TestList), warnings(), cleanup(ModuleList), cleanup(TestList), ok. %% assumes pre-compiled modules test_all(FileList) -> Split = [lists:nth(1, string:tokens(File, ".")) || File <- FileList], [(list_to_existing_atom(F)):test() || F <- Split]. cleanup(Files) -> [file:delete(lists:nth(1, string:tokens(F, "."))++".beam") || F <- Files]. %% get module .erl file names from a directory module_list(Path) -> SameExt = fun(File) -> get_ext(File) =:= ?EXT end, {ok, Files} = file:list_dir(Path), lists:filter(SameExt, Files). %% find the extension of a file (length is taken from the ?EXT macro). get_ext(Str) -> lists:reverse(string:sub_string(lists:reverse(Str), 1, length(?EXT))). compile(FileName) -> compile:file(FileName, [report, verbose, export_all]). warnings() -> Warns = [{Mod, get_warnings(Mod)} || {Mod,_Path} <- code:all_loaded(), has_warnings(Mod)], io:format("These need to be tested better: ~n\t~p~n", [Warns]). has_warnings(Mod) -> is_list(get_warnings(Mod)). get_warnings(Mod) -> proplists:get_value(test_warnings, Mod:module_info(attributes)).