Error Handling

Congratulations on making it through the first two weeks of spring quarter! We hope you are doing well, no matter where you are.

Extra ownership practice: Will it compile?

Here are a few examples designed to refine your understanding of Rust’s ownership model. For each of these examples, think about:

Ownership and mutability

Here’s our first example:

fn main() {
    let s = String::from("hello");
    s.push_str(" world");

This fails, because s is immutable by default, and push_str would mutate the string.

In C and C++ (and most other languages), you need to explicitly designate variables as immutable using const. In C++, a const string cannot be mutated and would also have a compiler error. In C, the const keyword is a real mess… const char* gets parsed as (const char)*, meaning you’re not allowed to modify the destination buffer, but you could reassign that variable to point to a different string. You can also write char* const, which does the opposite: you can’t reassign the variable to point to a different string, but you can modify the string buffer. If you want to get a true immutable string, you have to use the type const char* const (or char const* const), which which is just* just silly silly. (Demo here) Also, const was introduced later in C’s development, so const gets used very inconsistently throughout the standard library, and it’s not uncommon to need to insert dubious casts to get your code to compile.

To fix, we need to use the mut keyword:

fn main() {
    let mut s = String::from("hello");
    s.push_str(" world");

Let’s take a look at passing variables to functions. Does this code compile?

fn om_nom_nom(s: String) {
    println!("{}", s);

fn main() {
  let s = String::from("hello");

This works! What if we add another om_nom_nom call?

fn om_nom_nom(param: String) {
    println!("{}", param);

fn main() {
  let s = String::from("hello");

The compiler complains about ownership here. Let’s break this down:

Important note for understanding: I think a lot of people look at this demo and think, oh my gosh, that’s annoying. Why does the compiler have to make things so complicated? However, I would argue that this only looks silly because it doesn’t have any mallocs or frees, and because the code is so short. Let’s look at how we might have done this in C (keeping in mind that String is a heap-allocated buffer).

We could have written the code like this:

void om_nom_nom(char* s) {
    printf("%s\n", s);

int main() {
    char* s = strdup("hello");

Or like this:

void om_nom_nom(char* s) {
    printf("%s\n", s);

int main() {
    char* s = strdup("hello");

Or like this:

void om_nom_nom(char* s) {
    printf("%s\n", s);

int main() {
    char* s = strdup("hello");

Or like this:

void om_nom_nom(char* s) {
    printf("%s\n", s);

int main() {
    char* s = strdup("hello");

Of these four possibilities, only one works without memory errors. Keep in mind that this is a trivial example, and real systems code is far more complex. 100+ line functions aren’t rare, and it’s not uncommon to have memory that is allocated in one place and freed 9 hours and 2000k lines of code later. It’s extremely important to maintain some notion of ownership, i.e. some notion of who is responsible for cleaning up resources.

Exceptions to ownership

What if we pass a u32 (unsigned int) instead of a String? Is this always an issue?

fn om_nom_nom(param: u32) {
    println!("{}", param);

fn main() {
    let x = 1;

This actually works fine! As mentioned on last Thursday’s lecture, the type u32 implements a “copy trait” that changes what happens when it is assigned to variables or passed as a parameter. We will talk more about traits next week, but for now, just know that if a type implements the copy trait, then it is copied on assignment and when passed as a parameter.

This is probably pretty confusing. How are you supposed to anticipate whether the compiler will copy a value when you pass it, or whether it will use ownership semantics? Unfortunately, you kind of just need to know about the types you’re using. The good news is that the vast majority of types aren’t tricky like this and use normal ownership semantics. Only primitive types + a handful of others use copy semantics.


Let’s talk about borrowing. How does this code look to you?

fn main() {
    let s = String::from("hello");
    let s1 = &s;
    let s2 = &s;
    println!("{} {}", s, s1);

This code works fine because s, s1, and s2 are all immutable. Remember, you can have as many read-only pointers to something as you want, as long as no one can change what is being pointed to. (We want to avoid the scenario where chaos ensues because people are making sneak edits to the Google doc while others are trying to read it over.)

What if we bring mutable references into the mix?

fn main() {
    let s = String::from("hello");
    let s1 = &mut s;
    let s2 = &s;
    println!("{} {}", s, s1);

This fails to compile because s is immutable, and on the next line, we try to borrow a mutable reference to s. If this were allowed, we could modify the string using s1, even though it was supposed to be immutable.

Let’s fix that by declaring s as mutable:

fn main() {
    let mut s = String::from("hello");
    let s1 = &mut s;
    let s2 = &s;
    println!("{} {} {}", s, s1, s2);

This fails again, but for a different reason.

Let’s remove the second borrow. Does this work?

fn main() {
    let mut s = String::from("hello");
    let s1 = &mut s;
    println!("{} {}", s, s1);

Here’s the compiler error:

error[E0502]: cannot borrow `s` as immutable because it is also borrowed as mutable
 --> src/
3 |     let s1 = &mut s;
  |              ------ mutable borrow occurs here
4 |     println!("{} {}", s, s1);
  |                       ^  -- mutable borrow later used here
  |                       |
  |                       immutable borrow occurs here

The compiler is saying “hey, you borrowed s here, into s1. Now you’re trying to use s, but you haven’t gotten the value back yet. I can’t give you the value back yet, because s1 is still going to be used (as the second thing being printed in that println).

How about this code?

fn main() {
    let mut s = String::from("hello");
    let s1 = &mut s;
    println!("{}", s1);
    println!("{}", s)

Unlike the previous example, this actually works. After the first println, Rust sees that s1 will not be used again, so it “returns” the borrowed value back to s. Then, when we try to use s, everything checks out. πŸ‘Œ

Here’s a question we got from a survey last year:

“One thing that’s confusing is why sometimes I need to &var and other times I can just use var: for example, set.contains(&var), but set.insert(var) – why?"

Can you answer this question based on your understanding of references now?

When inserting an item into a set, we want to transfer ownership of that item into the set; that way, the item will exist as long as the set exists. (It would be bad if you added a string to the set, and then someone freed the string while it was still a member of the set.) However, when trying to see if the set contains an item, we want to retain ownership, so we only pass a reference.

Error handling: Motivating example

To motivate our discussion, let’s imagine that we are dealing with a server that receives variable-length messages over a network. Each message has a header with metadata about how long the message is and where the various fields are inside of the messsage, followed by a payload containing the actual message data:

We might store such messages using the following struct:

struct message {
    size_t length;
    size_t field1_offset;
    size_t field2_offset;
    size_t field3_offset;
    char payload[];

Then, we might begin processing the message by processing only field 1. We allocate space for a local copy of the message (e.g. maybe we’d like to mutate its fields as we process it) and copy over only field 1 for now:

// Processing part of a received message:
void *local_copy = malloc(message->length);
// Validate field1_offset is within the buffer (no buffer overflows!)
assert(message->field1_offset + FIELD_1_LENGTH <= message->length);
// Copy the field and process it
memcpy(local_copy + message->field1_offset,
       message->payload + message->field1_offset,
process_field_1(local_copy + message->field1_offset);

Can you identify any weakness in this code? I argue that this code has some severe weaknesses that would allow for remote code execution.

First of all, there is definitely the possibility of integer overflows here. But even if we ignore that possibility, there is another issue that doesn’t have anything to do with overflows or underflows or any sort of mistake that we have been discussing so far.

The problem that I want to emphasize is that malloc can fail, and this code doesn’t do error handling. If malloc fails to allocate memory (most likely because there isn’t enough memory available), it returns NULL and sets errno to indicate the error. Our code doesn’t realize this, and will memcpy to local_copy + message->field1_offset, which is equal to message->field1_offset since local_copy is 0. Since field1_offset is specified by an attacker, the attacker can use this weakness to write any value she wishes to any memory address she desires.

If this situation seems silly or contrived, know that code almost exactly the same as this has led to RCE in several real-world applications (see links in the “Handling Nulls” section).

There are two core issues at hand:

Handling errors

Error handling in C

C has an absolutely garbage system for handling errors. (It’s not really anything that’s built into the language; it’s more a convention on top of the language that people widely adopted, because there wasn’t anything better.) The system is typically this:

As you might expect, a lot of issues have arisen from failing to check for errors, or from having done it incorrectly. For example, this critical kernel vulnerability allowed attackers over the network to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges. The kernel had a set of functions that returned 0 on success and -1 on error, but could also return NET_XMIT_CN (defined to be 2) to indicate network congestion (not a failure condition, but potentially useful for the caller to know about). Under congestion conditions, the code calling those functions saw a nonzero return code, assumed network failure, and freed a bunch of related memory. However, since the network hadn’t actually failed, that memory was used again later: a use-after-free that led to remote code execution.

The fix for this critical vulnerability? A one-line change:

--- a/drivers/infiniband/hw/cxgb3/iwch_cm.c
+++ b/drivers/infiniband/hw/cxgb3/iwch_cm.c
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ static int iwch_l2t_send(struct t3cdev *tdev, struct sk_buff *skb, struct l2t_en
 	error = l2t_send(tdev, skb, l2e);
 	if (error < 0)
-	return error;
+	return error < 0 ? error : 0;

Error handling in C++ and other common languages

Most other languages (including C++) use exceptions to manage error conditions. Exceptions work pretty well! However, they have some drawbacks. What are some downsides you can think of?

In my opinion, the biggest disadvantage is that failure modes are hard to spot. Any code can throw any exception at pretty much any time, and exceptions bubble up the stack until they’re handled (or until they reach the bottom of the stack, at which point the program will crash). That means you can call one function, and it might fail with an exception that was thrown by a totally unrelated helper function that is twelve function calls away. If you’ve worked on a large project, you have probably experienced cases where you deployed code you were happy with, but then it crashed in production, and you thought, whoops, I need to handle this exception too.

This problem compounds when you have a large codebase that is constantly evolving. Someone could modify a helper function to throw a new exception, and the code would compile fine, even if users of that function hadn’t added any new code to handle the new exception.

Exceptions are especially bad when combined with manual memory management (i.e. in C++). In handling an exception, you can forget to free memory, or accidentally double-free memory that was already freed before the exception was thrown, or you can end up with half-baked data structures if you caught an exception while initializing a struct and attempt to recover improperly.

As a concrete example, this function looks perfectly fine:

void process_input() {
    char *buf = malloc(128);

    // read input from user:
    fgets(buf, 128, stdin);
    // do more processing on input:


But it’s actually quite broken if used with exceptions in a C++ codebase:

void some_helper(string input) {
    if (input == "uh oh") {
        throw BadInputError("I don't like that");

int main() {
    while (true) {
        try {
        } catch (BadInputError) {
            cerr << "That wasn't valid, try again" << endl;

You need the full context of the codebase to spot this problem, which is never a good quality for a large codebase to have.

For these reasons, and others related to performance, many large codebases (including Chrome/chromium and Firefox) ban the use of exceptions.


Before we can understand how Rust does error handling, we need to introduce a language feature called an enum. An enum (short for enumerated type) is a type that can store one of several variants. For example, we might use an enum to store a traffic light’s state:

enum TrafficLightColor {

let current_state: TrafficLightColor = TrafficLightColor::Green;

Enums are commonly used with match expressions. These are like switch statements in C/C++/Java/Javascript, except the syntax is a bit nicer (no weird breaks) and the compiler ensures that all possible variants are covered. If you write the following code to control a car based on the traffic light state, the compiler will produce an error:

fn drive(light_state: TrafficLightColor) {
    match light_state {
        TrafficLightColor::Green => println!("zoom zoom!"),
        TrafficLightColor::Red =>
println!("sitting like a boulder!"),
error[E0004]: non-exhaustive patterns: `Yellow` not covered
 --> src/
1 | / enum TrafficLightColor {
2 | |     Red,
3 | |     Yellow,
  | |     ------ not covered
4 | |     Green,
5 | | }
  | |_- `TrafficLightColor` defined here
8 |       match light_state {
  |             ^^^^^^^^^^^ pattern `Yellow` not covered
  = help: ensure that all possible cases are being handled, possibly by adding wildcards or more match arms
  = note: the matched value is of type `TrafficLightColor`

The following code covers all possible states, so it successfully compiles:

fn drive(light_state: TrafficLightColor) {
    match light_state {
        TrafficLightColor::Green => println!("zoom zoom!"),
        TrafficLightColor::Yellow => println!("slowing down..."),
        TrafficLightColor::Red =>
println!("sitting like a boulder!"),

FYI, if you’re only interested in one or two cases and you intentionally want to ignore the others, you can use a “default binding” as a fallthrough:

match light_state {
    TrafficLightColor::Green => println!("zoom zoom!"),
    _ => println!("do not pass go"), // default binding

Most common languages have enums. However, Rust enums are different in that they can store arbitrary data! For example, if you wanted to store someone’s location, you might have their GPS coordinates (in which case you’d want to store a latitude/longitude pair), or you might have their address (which you’d want to store as a string), or you might not have any specific location info. You can represent this as an enum:

enum Location {
    Coordinates(f32, f32),


let location = Location::Address("353 Jane Stanford Way".to_string());

Then, if we have a Location and want to extract information from it, we can do so using a match expression:

fn print_location(loc: Location) {
    match loc {
        // If the Coordinates variant matches, extract the (f32, f32) pair into
        // two variables called lat and long:
        Location::Coordinates(lat, long) => {
            println!("Person is at ({}, {})", lat, long);
        // If the Address variant matches, create a variable called addr
        // containing the string that was inside the Address:
        Location::Address(addr) => {
            println!("Person is at {}", addr);
        Location::Unknown => println!("Location unknown!"),

This feature is extremely useful in many contexts, and it turns out that we can apply it to error handling as well!

Error handling in Rust

We want functions to be able to return normal values if they succeed, but also return errors if something went wrong. To do this, we can define a Result enum with two variants:

enum Result<T, E> {

T and E are placeholders for specific types. For example, if a function returns Result<String, MyErrorInfo>, then it will return Ok(some string) if it runs successfully, or Err(an error object explaining the error) if it runs into trouble.

Note that this Result type is part of the standard library, so you don’t need to define it anywhere; you can just use it!

Here’s an example of how Result might be used:

fn gen_num_sometimes() -> Result<u32, &'static str> {
                    // ^ returns u32 if Ok, a string (error message) if Err
    if get_random_num() > 10 {
    } else {
        Err("Spontaneous failure!")

fn main() {
    match gen_num_sometimes() {
        Ok(num) => println!("Got number: {}", num),
        Err(message) => println!("Operation failed: {}", message),

Comparing this to C

At face value, what we’re doing here is very similar to how C handles errors: we’re returning one thing if everything succeeds (e.g. 0 in C or Ok in Rust) and a different thing if something goes wrong (e.g. -1 in C or Err in Rust). Have we actually improved anything?

We had two big problems with how C does error handling:

Rust’s version of error checking solves the first problem: it’s now obvious from the function signature which functions can return errors, and the compiler will verify that you do something with a returned error. Similar to how Rust’s compiler forces you to think about ownership up front and address any possible lifetime issues, usage of Result for error handling also forces you to think about failure modes and address all possible error conditions (at least, all error conditions that the compiler is able to find – it can’t find logic bugs in your program). This can be very annoying, but if your program compiles, you can be much more confident that you won’t hit an unexpected exception!

However, the second problem is still an issue. Consider this function, which takes a filename, reads the file, and returns the contents of the file as a String:

fn read_file(filename: &str) -> Result<String, io::Error> {
    let mut s = String::new();

    let result: Result<File, io::Error> = File::open(filename);

    let mut f: File = match result {
        Ok(file) => file,
        Err(e) => return Err(e),

    match f.read_to_string(&mut s) {
        Ok(_) => (),
        Err(e) => return Err(e),

    return Ok(s);

(Note: this isn’t super idiomatic Rust code, but I’ve written it this way to appear more similar to C++ code so that you can focus on the error handling here. The week 2 exercises touch more on how Rust is an expression-based language and how writing returns is often a bit different.)

Writing out these match statements is a lot of work for a little bit of reward. To address this, the Rust language designers introduced the ? operator.

The ? operator

If we have a Result, we commonly want to do the following:

The ? operator does this for us. We can write code like the following:

fn read_file(filename: &str) -> Result<String, io::Error> {
    let mut file: File = File::open(filename)?;
    // do other stuff...

File::open() returns Result<File, io::Error>. If we run this code and File::open() returns Ok(some file), then the question mark operator will extract the file object and store it in our file variable. Otherwise, if File::open() returns an Err, the question mark operator will stop our function immediately and make our function return the error. Concretely, the question mark operator is transforming the above line into this code:

fn read_file(filename: &str) -> Result<String, io::Error> {
    let mut file: File = match File::open(filename) {
        Ok(f) => f,               // unwrap the Ok() on success
        Err(e) => return Err(e),  // early return on error!
    // do other stuff...

With this in mind, these two implementations are exactly equivalent:

// Long version (from before):
fn read_file(filename: &str) -> Result<String, io::Error> {
    let mut s = String::new();

    let mut f = match File::open(filename) {
        Ok(file) => file,
        Err(e) => return Err(e),

    match f.read_to_string(&mut s) {
        Ok(_) => (),
        Err(e) => return Err(e),

    return Ok(s);

// Short version, using ? operator:
fn read_file(filename: &str) -> Result<String, io::Error> {
    let mut s = String::new();

    let mut f = File::open(filename)?;

    f.read_to_string(&mut s)?;

    return Ok(s);

You can even use multiple ? operators within the same line to make code really concise:

fn read_file(filename: &str) -> Result<String, io::Error> {
    let mut s = String::new();
    File::open(filename)?.read_to_string(&mut s)?;
    return Ok(s)

Let’s focus on this one line:

File::open(filename)?.read_to_string(&mut s)?;

From left to right, this says:

This makes error propagation extremely easy, solving the other problem we had with C’s error handling.

Note that this code will not compile – why not?

fn read_file(filename: &str) -> String {
    let mut contents = String::new();
    File::open(filename)?.read_to_string(&mut contents)?;
    return contents;

This is because the ? operator is being used in a function that returns String. The ? is for propagating errors up the call stack, but this function can’t return an error! What is supposed to happen if an error occurs – does it just disappear into the void? The compiler doesn’t like that idea, so it will give you an error that you’ll need to resolve.


What about errors that we don’t want to handle? There might be two good reasons for this:

In these situations, you can panic. Panics terminate the program immediately and cannot be caught. (Side note: it’s technically possible to catch and recover from panics, but doing so really defeats the philosophy of error handling in Rust, so it’s not advised.)

To panic, use the panic! macro with an error message:

if sad_times() {
  panic!("Sad times!");

Sometimes, a library function may give us an Err that we really don’t care to handle in any graceful way, and we might want to convert this into a panic. For example, if we are a terminal program and we fail to read input from the terminal, there isn’t really anything graceful to do. If this happens, it’s not worth the effort of continuing to propagate Errs up the stack for an error we don’t care about handling.

In these situations, the Result::unwrap() and Result::expect(&str) methods become extremely useful. These functions are sort of like the ? operator in that they extract a returned value from an Ok() variant, but panic if we get an Err() variant. For example:

// Panic if opening a file fails:
let mut file: File = File::open(filename).unwrap();
// Same thing, but print a more descriptive error message when panicking:
let mut file: File = File::open(filename).expect("Failed to open file");

// Panic if reading from stdin fails:
let mut input = String::new();
io::stdin().read_to_string(&mut input).expect("Failed to read from stdin”);

This isn’t a Rust class, and we aren’t going grade you based on your usage of panics vs Result. However, we do want you to think about the implications of calling unwrap/expect vs doing error checking and returning Result.

Handling nulls

NULL values appear all over the place, and not just in the context of errors; for example, you can pass NULL as the second argument to waitpid to indicate that you’re not interested in getting extra information about how a process changed state. NULL seems innocuous at first glance, but Tony Hoare, who invented the null reference in 1965, went on to call null references his “billion-dollar mistake” because of the problems they have caused. You can find a long list of security vulnerabilities caused by NULL here. Most of them are denial of service vulnerabilities, but some of them result in complete disclosure of information or remote code execution (e.g. this critical Linux kernel vulnerability).

One remote code execution vulnerability very similar to the example we discussed at the start of lecture occurred in Pidgin, which used to be a very popular instant messaging app. (CVE link here if you’re curious.) Pidgin had a function called msn_slplink_message_find() that would retrieve previously-received parts of a message. However, special types of messages (“acknowledgement messages”) didn’t have any message contents; message->buffer was set to NULL for these messages. When trying to re-assemble received data, the msn_slplink_process_msg() function would call msn_slplink_message_find() and then run memcpy(message->buffer + offset, data, len), where an attacker can control offset. However, message->buffer is NULL for special acknowledgement messages! So, if an attacker can trigger this code on an acknowledgement message, she can write anywhere she wants in memory.

Pidgin is far from the only one making this mistake. As another example, Adobe Acrobat Pro had a vulnerability that sounds extremely similar.

Taking a step back, why is it that null pointers so dangerous? I would argue that the biggest issue is the cognitive burden they add for a programmer. If you are implementing an API, you must remember which parameters might be NULL and add code to handle these edge cases. If you are consuming an API, you must ensure you never pass NULL when it might not be expected, and you must also check return values when NULL might be returned. If the above links are any indication, humans simply can’t do this reliably.

To solve this problem, we might want some way to indicate to the compiler when a value might be NULL, so that the compiler can then ensure code using those values is equipped to handle NULL.

Similar to Result, Rust does this with another enum called Option. A value of type Option<T> can either be None or Some(value of type T):

enum Option<T> {

For example, here’s a function that sometimes returns a String:

fn feeling_lucky() -> Option<String> {
    if get_random_num() > 10 {
        Some(String::from("I'm feeling lucky!"))
    } else {

How can we use this returned value? Option has some pretty good documentation that you may want to check out, but here are a few things you can do:

What should I take away from this?

Error handling in Rust (and in general) is a big topic, and we could spend several lectures on it if we had the time. Sadly, we don’t. As such, we just want to give you the foundation for understanding how Rust approaches error handling, and to expose you to the motivation for why Rust decided to take this approach.

We will be implementing a linked list in lecture on Thursday to contextualize ownership mechanics and error handling. You’ll be able to see a practical example worked out in code; if you have questions, bring them to lecture or post on Slack!