Perspective: Software-Defined Traffic Engineering

The overarching problem this chapter addresses is how to allocate the available network bandwidth to a set of end-to-end flows. Whether it’s TCP congestion control, integrated services, or differentiated services, there is an assumption that the underlying network bandwidth being allocated is fixed: a 1-Gbps link between site A and site B is always a 1-Gbps link, and the algorithms focus on how to best share that 1-Gbps among competing users. But what if that’s not the case? What if you could “instantly” acquire additional capacity, so the 1-Gbps link is upgraded to a 10-Gbps link, or perhaps you could add a new link between two sites that had not previously been connected?

This possibility is real, and it’s a topic that’s usually referred to as traffic engineering, a term that dates back to the early days of networking when operators would analyze the traffic workloads on their network, and periodically re-engineer their networks to add capacity when the existing links became chronically overloaded. In those early days, the decision to add capacity was not taken lightly; you needed to be sure the usage trend you observed was not just a passing blip since it would take a significant amount of time and money to change the network. In the worse case, it might involve laying cable across an ocean or launching a satellite into space.

But with the advent of technologies like DWDM (Section 3.1) and MPLS (Section 4.4), we don’t always have to lay more fiber, but can instead turn on additional wavelengths or establish new circuits between any pair of sites. (These sites need not be directly connected by fiber. For example, a wavelength between Boston and San Francisco might run through ROADMs in Chicago and Denver, but from the perspective of the L2/L3 network topology, Boston and San Francisco are connected by a direct link.) This dramatically lowers the time-to-availability, but reconfiguring hardware still requires manual intervention, and so our definition of “instantly” is still measured in days, if not weeks. Afterall, there are requisition forms to be filled out, in triplicate!

But as we have seen again and again, once you provide the right programmatic interfaces, software can be brought to bear on the problem, and “instantly” can, for all practical purposes, be truly instantaneous. This is effectively what cloud providers do with the private backbones they build to interconnect their datacenters. For example, Google has publicly described their private WAN, called B4, which is built entirely using white-box switches and SDN. B4 does not add/drop wavelengths to adjust inter-node bandwidth—it dynamically builds end-to-end tunnels using a technique called Equal-Cost Multipath (ECMP), an alternative to CSPF introduced in Section 4.4—but the flexibility it affords is similar.

A Traffic Engineering (TE) control program then provisions the network according to the needs of various classes of applications. B4 identifies three such classes: (1) copying user data (e.g., email, documents, audio/video) to remote datacenters for availability; (2) accessing remote storage by computations that run over distributed data sources; and (3) pushing large-scale data to synchronize state across multiple datacenters. These classes are ordered in increasing volume, decreasing latency sensitivity, and decreasing overall priority. For example, user-data represents the lowest volume on B4, is the most latency sensitive, and is of the highest priority.

By centralizing the decision-making process, which is one of the claimed advantages of SDN, Google has been able to drive their link utilizations to near 100%. This is two to three times better than the 30-40% average utilization that WAN links are typically provisioned for, which is necessary to allow those networks to deal with both traffic bursts and link/switch failures. If you can centrally decide how to allocate resources across the entire network, it is possible to run the network much closer to maximum utilization. Keep in mind that provisioning links in the network is done for coarse-grain application classes. TCP congestion control still operates on a connection-by-connection basis, and routing decisions are still made on top of the B4 topology. (As an aside, it is worth noting that because B4 is a private WAN, Google is free to run their own congestion control algorithm, such as BBR, without fear that it will unfairly disadvantage other algorithms.)

One lesson to take away from systems like B4 is that the line between traffic engineering and congestion control (as well as between traffic engineering and routing) is fuzzy. There are different mechanisms working to address the same general problem, and so there is no fixed-and-hard line that says where one mechanism stops and another begins. In short, layer boundaries become soft (and easy to move) when the layers are implemented in software rather than hardware. This is increasingly becoming the norm.

Broader Perspective

To continue reading about the cloudification of the Internet, see Perspective: Big Data and Analytics.

To learn more about the B4, we recommend: B4: Experience with a Globally Deployed Software Defined WAN, August 2013.

For a more comprehensive view of congestion control, including some of the newer developments related to TCP, see our companion book: TCP Congestion Control: A Systems Approach.